چکیده انگلیسی مقاله |
During the samplings in Kabudan island (protected area in Urmia Lake) 47 soil samples were randomly taken during 2019. After extracting nematodes and their primary study in temporary slides, they were fixed and identified. During this study, 16 species of plant parasitic and plant-associated nematodes belonging to nine genera from nine families including Antarctenchus urmiensis, Aphelenchoides graminis, A. salixae, Aphelenchus avenae, Coslenchus japonicus, C. multigyrus, Ditylenchus anchilisposomus, D. parvus, Geocenamus microdorus, G. rugosus, Mesocriconema antipolitanum, Paratylenchu projectus, P. hamatus, P. veruculatus, Rotylenchus iranicus and Xiphinema vuittenzi were identified. Among the identified species, seven species belonged to four genera of invasive plant parasitic nematodes (Xiphinema, Rotylenchus, Paratylenchus and Mesocriconema), two species of the moderately invasive genus Geocenamus and six species belonged to four weak plant parasite or fungivorous genera (Aphelenchus, Aphelenchoides, Coslenchus and Ditylenchus). Also, juvenile stages belonging to the family Pratylenchidae were observed and by lacking the female stages, their identification was not completed. With regarding the ecological and environmental importance of this region, occurring of valuable plant species and prevalence of harmful plant parasitic nematode species, monitoring of populations of plant parasitic nematodes in this region is very important. |